Sunday, 25 March 2012

Getting closer !!!

With stoneleigh looming I need to get the car finished now so hopefully the rate of progress will pick up now :)

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Parts delivery

To I've been and collected most of the parts to finish my car :) a few pics

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

A couple of pics of my recent work.

Lately I feel progress is being held up by a shortage of spare funds. :(

But I think this has allowed me to fettle various things that have been over looked during the last few months.

Random things like tidying the wiring up and hiding cables etc etc.

I've also fitted and finished the rear lights all tested and working as they should. Spent some time getting the shut lines as close as possible wich thanks to MNR was quite easy as the bodywork is very good quality !!

Fitted the drivers seat I
Made a template out of a sheet of plastic for the holes in the bottom of the seat then marked the front two holes from inside the car and drilled them the went under Neath and lined up the holes in the template with the holes in the floor and then marked and drilled the back two holes. all were spot on wich was nice lol ..